know and feel
Today a strange feeling has been awakened me. Weak, tired, awake but asleep ... body and mind in a state semi-comatose. Once seated analyze the reason for this feeling, the eyes remain open, despite heavy pressure over the eyebrows from within the skull, seems to blur in a slight tingling outwards, almost imperceptible shake of molecules skin. Shoulders slumped, and not by the relaxation of the body, but rather is due to the recurring appetite vital shelter almost by accident. Today I will be static, because everything is too much effort. Actions Speak mentally I know I should pursue, but when I try to transfer them to physical action, I return to this state heavily redundant and frozen. Too tired to be sad, too rationalization feeling of knowing myself as well ... That leads me to the acceptance of time and circumstances. Enough thinking, induced feelings aside aside and move on to the simple acts that make up and sometimes hurt my precious routine. Be objective, that's all.
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