01. Touch | 02. View | 03. heard | 04. Gusto | 05. Smell |
06. Sixth Sense | 07. Sense of humor | 08. Sense of direction | 09. fashion sense | 10. Common Sense |
The Claim is published on FF.net:)
I hope you like it,
[Response to Challenges to the letter]
Full name: María Eugenia García
Date of birth: February 5 '91
Age: 16 xD .
Location: Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Favorite Books: Harry's TooDo , and I kill, The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon, Pandemonium, 30 days old, Of Love and Other Demons, Tales of Terror, The exorsista, The Feast of All Saints , Lestat, the vampire Pandora Carrie, Mad Love, Love in the Time of Cholera, Twilight, New Moon, etc.
Favorite Movies: Opvio all of Harry:), Wrong Turn, Let me live, A Nightmare on Elm Street (All), Tuesday 13 (All), Blade (All), Lord of the Rings ( the trilogy), Matrix (the trilogy), Houses of fire (Argentina and old ... I must be the only one who knows oO), Scary Movie (all), Guess who I am, The Queen of the Damned, Children of Heaven, 300, 21 Grams, The Feast of All Saints, The Wisher, SWAT,
Favorite Game: Counter Strike (L) _ (L) (Condition Zero tmb xD) and Swat (H)
E-mail (msn): Springwood.ohio Deadsoulss@gmail.com @ hotmail.com or (E-mail)
My profile on the website of Harry Potter
My stories:
"Marked by the same fate" Hermione Granger discovers the truth about his past and who is truly but it will not be alone xD, but goes along with a horuncito xD. Wankers: DM-HG. In pogreso.
Nightmare on Privet Drive. Part I. "10 years ago mysterious deaths and disappearances of children occur in Drive.Los Privet parents believe that the murderer was Tom Riddle and take revenge into their own hands, deaths ceased. After 10 years the deaths comiezan again. Couples: DM-HG, HP-GW, BZ, CC, RW-LL. In progress.
My One-Shoots. :):
Legend of the Magician and the Fairy: is a DM-HG, a little sad ... T_T, but it is very tender. Done.
A forbidden love and the purest: her a simple reader who wishes to forward to a fic about it. And just a dreamer who fell in love in dreams. DM /?. It tristing T_T. Done.
Warning: I'm with several new fics in mind ... I'm not going to start writing them until at least "Marked by the same fate" is finished ... that soon (if I have patience) will be: D.
About "Marked by the same fate" fic is a very different and I think, because I have read on this site, never before "seen." While the chapters I've posted show the contrary, the idea of this fic shows that never looked on this site. Of course not go into details but would not be funny. Of course, there are concepts (not sooo deep), like vampires, which belong to Anne Rice Queen Of The Damned (apart from the film is the novel). Marked by the same fate is a FF, not so lovely at first, but if in the end, Draco, Hermione (Herms noted that in this fic is called Drucila) and is full of puzzles and mysteries.
On "Nightmare on Privet Drive. Part I" is a FanFicition without magic. Is very inspired in A Nightmare on Elm Street. While it is a Daco - Hermione, is not so focused on the couple. One thing I warn ... is a Draco - Hermione this part, better not go into details ... jejejejeje. Nightmare on Privet Drive "is about the killing of children and adolescents in the neighborhood in the hands of Tom M. Riddle, but stop when it "dies", ten years after return. Insomnia Will the salvation of these children?. Ooooooooo
Guess who I am: although I have not yet published, is already underway. When finish it and post it does not slow with the updates as Marked by the same fate. Dra-Mione is another (were I'm addicted to them? XD) but a little more dramatic and dark, so looooong love here is not going to see. It is a recreation of a movie that I re-drill the head, hehe.
I am the light of your darkness: , I know that this will kill me. But this fic will be a Hermione / Tom Riddle Jr. Reason? I loved this couple since I read some fics about them. This fic is also in process but not post it until I finished. Be oriented in the year 1945, seventh year Hogwarts Tom (obviously that will not leave the school in this story xD, lol) and a Hermione Granger who is attracted by something (muajajja'm bad xD) about this time is to pursue obrigada Hogwats sixth year by Phineas (director at the time). She will discover a Tom who has two faces, one of them is Tom Riddle, a sweet and lovely, and the other is Lord Voldemort, a murderer and a person without mercy. Herms will do anything to make Lord Voldemort disappears from his life. Ooooooooo
"To write something you have to run the risk of making fun of yourself .-"
B ien, this is my presentation. On the links is the Twilight ... I recommend it:) If you love the series and more like an Edward .... vallan * 0 *.
Project ... I only speak of the very few I have in mind xD. Jajajajaa .... I have several T_T. Ooooooooo
There are three things that I am quite sure:
First, Edward was a vampire.
Second, a part of him that thirsted for my blood.
And third, I'm completely in love with him .- ♥